경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > KEC Datasheet > KEC-45

8L15BPV KDZ4.7EV KRC244S KRA521T KF465V KIA4559S KIA7920PI KF506B KIC7SZ14FU KDV273E KIA494AP KF410BS KRC121S KIA7291P KIA6216H KTA1695 KDR728E KIA78L12BP KIC7W53FK KIA7029AT KDR720S KIA78L13BPV KTC4511 KTD921 KTA1276 KRC663U KIA6941S KRX214U

KEC 데이터 시트 카탈로그-45

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
KRC826E KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
KF942FU KECCellular Phone
KIA78L15BPV KEC15V, 150mA (max) three terminal positive voltage regulator
KDZ4.7EV KECZener Diode
KRC244S KECNPN transistor for high current switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With built-in bias resistors (10 and 10 kOm).
KRA521T KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
KF465V KEC400MHz Band(50ohm)
KIA4559S KECDual low noise operational amplifier
KIA7920PI KEC-20V, 1A three-terminal negative voltage regulator
KF506B KEC400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm)
KIC7SZ14FU KECSchmitt Trigger Inverter
KDV273E KECVCO for UHF Band Radio
KIA494AP KECVoltage-mode PWM controller
KF410BS KEC400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm)
KRC121S KECNPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in bias resistors (47 and 10 kOm)
KIA7291P KECBi-directional DC motor driver
KIA6216H KEC15W BTL+2ch audio power amplifier
KTA1695 KECGeneral Purpose Transistor
KDR728E KECSchottky Barrier Diode
KIA78L12BP KEC12V, 150mA (max) three terminal positive voltage regulator
KIC7W53FK KEC2 Channel Miltiplexer
KIA7029AT KECActive Low Voltage Detector
KDR720S KECSchottky Barrier Diode
KIA78L13BPV KEC13V, 150mA (max) three terminal positive voltage regulator
KTC4511 KECGeneral Purpose Transistor
KTD921 KECDarlington Transistor
KTA1276 KECPNP transistor for general purpose applications
KRC663U KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
KIA6941S KECInterprogramm sensor for cassette tape player
KRX214U KECBuilt in Bias Resistor

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