경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > KEC Datasheet > KEC-38
131S KID65083AP KF406B BC328 KRA721U KF836FU KRC102M KIA8262H KHB2403B01 KRA741E KRC121M KTB1370 KRC408 KTC4372 KIA2431AT KRA758U KID65003AFV KTC9013 KDV1430D KIA2074F KTA1716 KIA34063AF BC550 KTC5103D KF440 KID65004AP KN3904S SMAB14
부품번호 | 제조사 | 응용 프로그램 |
KRC106M | KEC | NPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in bias resistors (4.7 and 47 kOm) |
MMBTA05 | KEC | NPN transistor for driver stage amplifier applications and voltage amplifier applications |
KTK5131S | KEC | SMOS FET/ Analog Switch Application |
KID65083AP | KEC | Darlington Driver |
KF406B | KEC | 400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm) |
BC328 | KEC | PNP transistor for general purpose and switching applications |
KRA721U | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KF836FU | KEC | Cellular Phone |
KRC102M | KEC | NPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in bias resistors (10 and 10 kOm) |
KIA8262H | KEC | Max power 43W quad BTL audio power amplifier |
KHB2403B01 | KEC | US-C/P |
KRA741E | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KRC121M | KEC | NPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in bias resistors (47 and 10 kOm) |
KTB1370 | KEC | PNP transistor for high current switching applications and power amplifier applications |
KRC408 | KEC | NPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With built-in bias resistors (22 and 47 kOm). |
KTC4372 | KEC | NPN transistor for high voltage switching applications |
KIA2431AT | KEC | Shunt Regulator |
KRA758U | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KID65003AFV | KEC | Darlington TR Array(7-Circuit) |
KTC9013 | KEC | NPN transistor for general purpose and switching applications |
KDV1430D | KEC | Silicon diode for FM radio band tuning applications |
KIA2074F | KEC | Advanced RF processor for car tuners |
KTA1716 | KEC | PNP transistor for high-voltage switching telephone power supply use |
KIA34063AF | KEC | DC/DC Converter Controller |
BC550 | KEC | NPN transistor for low noise amplifier applications |
KTC5103D | KEC | Switching Transistor |
KF440 | KEC | 400MHz Band(50ohm) |
KID65004AP | KEC | Darlington Driver |
KN3904S | KEC | NPN transistor for general purpose applications and switching applications |
SMAB14 | KEC | Schottky Barrier Diode |