경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > KEC Datasheet > KEC-38

131S KID65083AP KF406B BC328 KRA721U KF836FU KRC102M KIA8262H KHB2403B01 KRA741E KRC121M KTB1370 KRC408 KTC4372 KIA2431AT KRA758U KID65003AFV KTC9013 KDV1430D KIA2074F KTA1716 KIA34063AF BC550 KTC5103D KF440 KID65004AP KN3904S SMAB14

KEC 데이터 시트 카탈로그-38

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
KRC106M KECNPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in bias resistors (4.7 and 47 kOm)
MMBTA05 KECNPN transistor for driver stage amplifier applications and voltage amplifier applications
KTK5131S KECSMOS FET/ Analog Switch Application
KID65083AP KECDarlington Driver
KF406B KEC400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm)
BC328 KECPNP transistor for general purpose and switching applications
KRA721U KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
KF836FU KECCellular Phone
KRC102M KECNPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in bias resistors (10 and 10 kOm)
KIA8262H KECMax power 43W quad BTL audio power amplifier
KRA741E KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
KRC121M KECNPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in bias resistors (47 and 10 kOm)
KTB1370 KECPNP transistor for high current switching applications and power amplifier applications
KRC408 KECNPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With built-in bias resistors (22 and 47 kOm).
KTC4372 KECNPN transistor for high voltage switching applications
KIA2431AT KECShunt Regulator
KRA758U KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
KID65003AFV KECDarlington TR Array(7-Circuit)
KTC9013 KECNPN transistor for general purpose and switching applications
KDV1430D KECSilicon diode for FM radio band tuning applications
KIA2074F KECAdvanced RF processor for car tuners
KTA1716 KECPNP transistor for high-voltage switching telephone power supply use
KIA34063AF KECDC/DC Converter Controller
BC550 KECNPN transistor for low noise amplifier applications
KTC5103D KECSwitching Transistor
KF440 KEC400MHz Band(50ohm)
KID65004AP KECDarlington Driver
KN3904S KECNPN transistor for general purpose applications and switching applications
SMAB14 KECSchottky Barrier Diode

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