경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > KEC Datasheet > KEC-40

A770E KRC685T KIA78R09F KIA78L06F KIA3842BP KRA103S KTC3770S KRC872E KDZ2.0V KDR331E KTX201E KIA7125PV KDV153D KF281S KRA771E 2N3906U KTD2424 KF903A KID65001AFV KTA968A KTA1275 KDZ7.5V KIA7918PI TIP41C KIA6058AS KTA1279 KDS160 KRC833E

KEC 데이터 시트 카탈로그-40

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
KN3903 KECNPN transistor for general purpose applications and switching applications
KIC7WZ14FK KECSchmitt Inverter
KRA770E KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
KRC685T KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
KIA78R09F KEC1A 5-Terminal Low Drop(ON/OFF Controllable)
KIA78L06F KEC6V, 150mA (max) three terminal positive voltage regulator
KIA3842BP KECHigh performance current mode controller
KRA103S KECPNP transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in bias resistors (22 kOm and 22 kOm)
KTC3770S KECRF/VHF/UHF Transistor
KRC872E KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
KDZ2.0V KECzener diode for constant voltage regulation applications and reference voltage applications
KDR331E KECSchottky Barrier Diode
KTX201E KECGeneral Purpose Transistor
KIA7125PV KECCPU Reset, 1.25V Delay Timer Control
KDV153D KECTV VHF, UHF tuner AFC VCO for UHF band radio
KF281S KEC280MHz Band Paging System
KRA771E KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
2N3906U KECPNP transistor for general purpose and switching applications
KTD2424 KECDarlington NPN transistor for general purpose applications
KF903A KEC900MHz Cordless Phone
KID65001AFV KECDarlington TR Array(7-Circuit)
KTA968A KECPNP transistor for high voltage applications
KTA1275 KECPNP transistor for color TV vertical deflection output applications and color TV class B sound output applications
KDZ7.5V KEC7.5V zener diode for constant voltage regulation applications and reference voltage applications
KIA7918PI KEC-18V, 1A three-terminal negative voltage regulator
TIP41C KECNPN transistor for general purpose applications
KIA6058AS KECFM front-end
KTA1279 KECGeneral Purpose Transistor
KDS160 KECSilicon diode for ultra high speed switching applications
KRC833E KECBuilt in Bias Resistor

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