경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > KEC Datasheet > KEC-30

KIA7035AF KIA78D35F KTC3072L KN3906S E30A23VS KTB988 KDZ2.4EV BCW68G KIA78DL09PI KF433V KRC842T KTA1662 KTA1225L KRA112M Z02W5.1V KIA7027AP KF465BS KTC4377 KIA8409F KF465B KIA2092N B5A60VIC KTA1517 KRA739E BC858BW KIA7433F KTA1045D KRC417

KEC 데이터 시트 카탈로그-30

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
KIA79M05P KEC-5V tree-terminal negative voltage regulator
KIA78M05F KEC0.5A 3-Terminal Voltage Regulator
KIA7035AF KECActive Low Voltage Detector
KIA78D35F KEC1A Low Drop Voltage Regulator
KTC3072L KECGeneral Purpose Transistor
KN3906S KECPNP transistor for general purpose applications and switching applications
E30A23VS KECAlternator Diode (Positive)
KTB988 KECGeneral Purpose Transistor
KDZ2.4EV KECZener Diode
BCW68G KECPNP transistor for high current applications
KIA78DL09PI KEC0.25A 3-Terminal Low Drop Voltage
KF433V KEC400MHz Band(50ohm)
KRC842T KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
KTA1662 KECPNP transistor for general purpose applications
KTA1225L KECGeneral Purpose Transistor
KRA112M KECPNP transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in bias 100 kOm resistor
Z02W5.1V KEC5.1V zener diode for constant voltage regulation applications and reference voltage applications
KIA7027AP KECActive Low Voltage Detector
KF465BS KEC400MHz Band(50ohm)
KTC4377 KECNPN transistor for strobo flash applications and high current applications
KIA8409F KECBi-directional DC motor driver
KF465B KEC400MHz Band(50ohm)
KIA2092N KECPower driver IC for CD player
B5A60VIC KECSchottky Barrier Diode
KTA1517 KECPNP transistor for low noise amplifier applications
KRA739E KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
BC858BW KECPNP transistor for general purpose and switching applications
KIA7433F KECActive High Voltage Detector
KTA1045D KECGeneral Purpose Transistor
KRC417 KECNPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With built-in bias resistors (2.2 and 2.2 kOm).

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