경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > ADI Datasheet > ADI-99

SP-2186KST-115 AD7885ABP REF196ES AD9632AR ADMC300-PB AD521JD OP275 AD8031BR-REEL7 REF191GS AD694 AD22105 AD5262BRU200-REEL7 AD9300TE/883B AD7011ARS AD526CD AD586LQ OP249GP AD8381AST AD568JQ ADG451 ADM692AN REF198GP ADG202A AD767ACHIPS AD9708-EB ADE7759ARS AD7703CQ AD7306JN

ADI 데이터 시트 카탈로그-99

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
ADVFC32SH ADI+7V; voltage-to-frequency and frequency-to-voltage converter
AD524BE ADI18V; 450mW; precision instrumentation amplifier
ADSP-2186KST-115 ADIInstruction rate28.8MHz; DSP microcomputer
AD7885ABP ADI0.3-7V; 1000mW; LC2MOS 16-bit, high speed sampling ADC. For automatic test equipment, medical instrumentation, industrial control, data acquisition systems, robotics
REF196ES ADI0.3-18V; precision micropower, low dropout, voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, A-to-D and D-to-A converters, smart sensors
AD9632AR ADI12.6V; 1.3W; ultra low distortion, wide bandwidth voltage feedback Op Amp. For ADC input driver, differential amplifiers, IF/RF amplifiers, pulse amplifiers
ADMC300-PB ADI0.3-7V; 25MHz; high performance DSP-based motor controller
AD521JD ADIIntegrated circuit precision instrumentation amplifier
OP275 ADIDual Bipolar/JFET, Audio Operational Amplifier
AD8031BR-REEL7 ADI2.7V; 80MHz rail-to-rail I/O amplifier. For high speed battery-operated systems, high component density systems
REF191GS ADI0.3-18V; precision micropower, low dropout, voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, A-to-D and D-to-A converters, smart sensors
AD694 ADI4-20mA Monolithic Current Transmitter
AD22105 ADILow Voltage, Resistor Programmable Thermostatic Switch
AD5262BRU200-REEL7 ADI0.3-15V; 1-/2-channel 15V digital potentiometers. For mechanical potentiometer replacement, instrumentation gain, offset adjustment, stereo channel audio level control, programmable voltage to current conversion, programmable filters, delays, ... etc.
AD9300TE/883B ADI16V; 6.0mA; 4 x 1 wideband video multiplexer. For video routing, medical imaging, electro optics, ECM and radar systems
AD7011ARS ADI-0.3 to +7V; CMOS, ADC P/4 DQPSK baseband transmit port. For american digital and analog cellular telephony
AD526CD ADISoftware programmable gain amplifier
AD586LQ ADIInputV36V; 500mW; outputV4.980-5.020V; 3mA; to ground60mA; high precision 5V amplifier
OP249GP ADI18V; dual, prescision JPET high-speed operational amplifier. For output amplifier for fast D/As, signal processing, instrumenattion amplifiers
AD8381AST ADI19V; 2.7W; fast, high voltage drive, 6-channel output decDriver decimating LCD panel driver. For LCD analog column driver
AD568JQ ADI0-18V; 5mA; 100mW; 12-bit ultrahigh speed monolithic D/A converter
ADG451 ADI5 Ohm, Quad SPST (4NC) Switch
ADM692AN ADI0.3-6V; 400-600mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controllers
REF198GP ADI0.3-18V; precision micropower, low dropout, voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, A-to-D and D-to-A converters, smart sensors
ADG202A ADI60 Ohm, Quad SPST Switch (Normally Open Switch, DG202A replacement)
AD767ACHIPS ADI0 to 18V; 1000mW; microprocessor-compatible 12-bit D/A converter
AD9708-EB ADI8-bit, 100MSPS + TxDAC D/A converter. For communications, signal reconstruction, instrumnetations
ADE7759ARS ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; active energy metering IC with di/dt sensor interface
AD7703CQ ADI-0.3 to +6V; 450mW; LC2MOS 20-bit A/D converter. For industrial process control, weigh scales, portable instrumentation, remote data acquisition
AD7306JN ADI+7V; 650mW; RS-232/RS-422 transceiver. For DTE-DCE interface, packet switching, lokal area networks

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