경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > ADI Datasheet > ADI-90

67SD/883B AD7579SQ AD6411 AD8005AR-REEL DAC08CS-REEL AD7849BN AD1865R AD8022 AD7547TQ ADG451BN AD7564BRS AD736KN AD7538KR AD260BND-5 AD22103KT ADP1148AR-5 AD630SD AD7547 AD524SCHIPS AD7226KR AD5232BRU10-REEL ADG222 SDC1741 AD7858BR ADM695AR AD75019 AD9020/PCB AD1890 5962-9089401M

ADI 데이터 시트 카탈로그-90

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
ADSP-2100SG/883G ADI0.3-7V; speed 6.144MHz; 12.5 MIPS microprocessor. For optimized for DSP algorithms including, digital filtering, fast fourier transforms,image processing, radar, sonar speech processing and telecommunications
AD767SD/883B ADI0 to 18V; 1000mW; microprocessor-compatible 12-bit D/A converter
AD7579SQ ADI-0.3 to +7.0V; 450mW; LC2MOS 10-bit sampling A/D converter
AD6411 ADIDECT RF Transceiver
AD8005AR-REEL ADI12.6V; 270MHz, current feedback amplifier. For signal conditioning, A/D bufer, power-sensitive, high-speed systems
DAC08CS-REEL ADISupply voltage +-36V; 4.25mA; 8-bit, high speed, multiplying D/A converter
AD7849BN ADI0.4-17V; 10mA; 875mA; serial input, 14/16-bit DAC. For industrial process control, PC analog I/O boards, instrumentation
AD1865R ADI0-6V; 18-bit, 16 x Fs PCM audio DAC. For multichannel audio applications, compact disc players
AD8022 ADIDual Low Noise, Low Distortion, High Speed Amplifier
AD7547TQ ADI-0.3 to +17V; 450mW; LC2MOS parallel loading dual 12-bit DAC. For automatic test equipment, programmable filters, audio applications
ADG451BN ADI44V; 470-600mW; 200mA LCMOS 5OHm SPST switch. For relay replacement, audio and video switching, automatic test equipment
AD7564BRS ADI-0.3 to +6V; nominal V+5V; 875mW; LC2MOS low power quad 12-bit uP-compatibleDAC. For process control, portable istrumentation, general purpose test equipment
AD736KN ADI+-16.5V; 200mW; low cost, low power, tue RMS-to-DC converter
AD7538KR ADI-0.3 to +17V; 1000mW; LC2MOS uP-compatible 14-bit DAC. For microprocessor based control systems, digital audio
AD260BND-5 ADI0.3-7V; high speed, logic isolator with power transformer
AD22103KT ADI10V; voltage output temperature sensor with signal conditioning. For computers and portable electronic equipment
ADP1148AR-5 ADIInputV 0.3-20V; 50mA; high efficiency synchronous step-down switching regulator. For notebook and palmtop computers, portable instrumnets, battery operated digital devices
AD630SD ADI+-18V; 600mW; balanced modulator/demodulator
AD7547 ADIDual 12-Bit CMOS DAC with Parallel Load Input Structure
AD524SCHIPS ADI18V; 450mW; precision instrumentation amplifier
AD7226KR ADI-0.3, +17V; 500mW; LC2MOS quad 8-bit D/A converter. For process contol, automatic test equipment and calibration of large system parameters
AD5232BRU10-REEL ADI0.3-7V; 8-bit dual nonvolatile memory digital potentiometer
ADG222 ADIQuad SPST Switch with On-Chip Latches (Normally Open Switch, Superior DG222 Replacement)
SDC1741 ADI12- and 14-Bit Hybrid Synchro/Resolver-to-Digital Converters
AD7858BR ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; single supply, 200kSPS, 8-channel, 12-bit, sampling ADC. For battery-powered systems, pen computers and instrumentation
ADM695AR ADI0.3-6V; 400-600mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controllers
AD75019 ADIThe AD75019 contains 256 analog switches in a 16 x 16 array
AD9020/PCB ADI6V; 20mA; 10-bit 60MSPS A/D converter. For digital oscilloscopes, medical imaging
AD1890 ADISamplePort Stereo ASRC for 18 and 20 bit applications
5962-9089401MEA ADISoftware programmable gain amplifier

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