경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > ADI Datasheet > ADI-74

976ABN SSM2161 AD871SD AD9200ARSRL AD7417BR OP32AZ AD822AR OP297GP DAC8228FP ADM1232ARM AD1955YRS ADV7121KN30 OP470 REF01CJ AD650BD ADV453KP40 AD7547KP ADV7177 AD7522UQ/883 ADSP-2100AJG ADSP-2103BP-40 AD7886JP OP177GP AD2S83 AMP02FP ADM1023 MUX24BQ AD7876CN

ADI 데이터 시트 카탈로그-74

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
AD7863ARS-3 ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; simultaneous sampling dual 175kSPS 14-bit ADC. For AC motor control, inuterrupted power supplies
OP291 ADIMicropower Single-Supply Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Op Amps
AD976ABN ADI25V; 700mW; 16-bit, 100kSPS/200kSPS BiCMOS A/D converter
SSM2161 ADI4-Channel, Clickless Serial Input Balance/Master Volume Control
AD871SD ADI0.5-6.5V; 12-bit complete 5MSPS monilithic A/D converter
AD9200ARSRL ADIComplete 10-bit, 20MSPS, 80mW; CMOS A/D converter
AD7417BR ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; 10-bit digital temperature sensor and 4-/single-channel ADC. For data caquisition with ambient temperature monitoring, industrial process control, automotive, battery charging ammplications, personal computers
OP32AZ ADI18V; high-speed programmable micropower operational amplifier
AD822AR ADI18V; single supply, rail to rail low power FET-input Op Amp. For battery-powered precision instrumentation, photodiode preamps, active filters, 12/14-bit data acquisition systems
OP297GP ADI20V; dual low bias current precision operational amplifier. For strain gauge and bridge amplifiers
DAC8228FP ADI0.3-17V; dual 8-bit CMOS D/A converter. For disk drive systems, automatic test equipment
ADM1232ARM ADI5.5V; 900-1000mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, controllers, intelligent instrumnets, automotive systems, safety systems, portable instruments
AD1955YRS ADI0.3-6V; high performance multibit DAC with SACD playback
ADV7121KN30 ADI+7V; CMOS 30MHz, triple 10-bit video DAC. For high resolution color graphics, CAE/CAD/CAM applications, image processing, instrumentation, video signal reconstruction
OP470 ADIVery Low Noise Quad Operational Amplifier
REF01CJ ADI30-40V; precision voltage reference
AD650BD ADIVoltage-to-frequency and frequency-to-voltage converter, gain tempco ppm/C 100 kHz 150 max, 1 MHz linearity 0.1% max
ADV453KP40 ADICMOS 40 MHz monolithic 256 x 24 color palette RAM-DAC
AD7547KP ADI-0.3 to +17V; 450mW; LC2MOS parallel loading dual 12-bit DAC. For automatic test equipment, programmable filters, audio applications
ADV7177 ADIIntegrated Digital CCIR-601 to PAL/NTSC Video Encoder
AD7522UQ/883 ADICMOS 10-bit buffered multiplying D/A converter
ADSP-2100AJG ADI0.3-7V; speed 10.94MHz; 12.5 MIPS microprocessor. For optimized for DSP algorithms including, digital filtering, fast fourier transforms,image processing, radar, sonar speech processing and telecommunications
ADSP-2103BP-40 ADI16-Bit fixed-point DSP microprocessors with on-chip memory, data memory=1K, program memory=2K, 10.24 MHz, 3.3V
AD7886JP ADI1000mW; LC2MOS 12-bit, 750kHz/1MHz, sampling ADC. For digital signal processing, speech recognition and systhesis, spectrum analysis, DSP servo control
OP177GP ADI22V; 500mW; ultraprecision operational amplifier
AD2S83 ADI13V; 800mW; variable resolution, monolithic resolver-to-digital converter. For DC brushless and AC motor control, process control
AMP02FP ADI+-18V; high accuracy instrumentation amplifier. For differential amplifier, strain gauge amp, thermocouple amp, RTD amplifier
ADM1023 ADI±1ºC Remote Sensor for Next Generation PIII 700 MHz+ Platforms
MUX24BQ ADI36V; 25mA; 8-channel/dual 4-chan JFET analog multiplexer. For geometry correction in high-resolution CRT displays
AD7876CN ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS complete, 12-bit, 100kHz, sampling ADC

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