경로 :OKDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > Usha Datasheet > BD241C

BD241C 사양 : "NPN silicon plastic power NPN transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 100Vdc, Vces = 115Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 3Adc, Pd = 40W"

BD241C 유사

  • BD241A
    • NPN silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 60Vdc, Vces = 70Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 3Adc, Pd = 40W
  • BD241B
    • NPN silicon plastic power NPN transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 80Vdc, Vces = 90Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 3Adc, Pd = 40W
  • BD241C
    • "NPN silicon plastic power NPN transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 100Vdc, Vces = 115Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 3Adc, Pd = 40W"
  • BD242A
    • PNP silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 60Vdc, Vces = 70Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 3Adc, PD = 40W.
  • BD242B
    • PNP silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 80Vdc, Vces = 90Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 3Adc, PD = 40W.
  • BD242C
    • PNP silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 100Vdc, Vces = 115Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc Ic = 3Adc, PD = 40W.
  • BD243A
    • NPN silicon plastic power transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 60Vdc, Vcb = 60Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 6Adc, Pd = 65W
  • BD243B
    • NPN silicon plastic power NPN transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 80Vdc, Vcb = 80Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 6Adc, Pd = 65W

BD241C Datasheet 및 사양

제조사 : Usha 

포장 : TO-220 

팡 : 3 

온도 : 분 -65 °C | 맥스 150 °C

파일크기 : 51 KB

응용 프로그램 : "NPN silicon plastic power NPN transistor. Designed for use in general-purpose switching and amplifier applications. Vceo = 100Vdc, Vces = 115Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 3Adc, Pd = 40W" 

다운로드를 BD241C