경로 :OKDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > Microchip Datasheet > PIC12C508A/JW
PIC12C508A/JW 사양 : Bits number of 8 Memory configuration 512x12 Memory type EPROM Microprocessor/controller features INTERNAL OSCILLATOR,ISP Frequency clock 4 MHz Memory size 512 bit
경로 :OKDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > Microchip Datasheet > PIC12C508A/JW
PIC12C508A/JW 사양 : Bits number of 8 Memory configuration 512x12 Memory type EPROM Microprocessor/controller features INTERNAL OSCILLATOR,ISP Frequency clock 4 MHz Memory size 512 bit
제조사 : Microchip
포장 : DIP
팡 : 8
온도 : 분 0 °C | 맥스 0 °C
파일크기 : 649 KB
응용 프로그램 : Bits number of 8 Memory configuration 512x12 Memory type EPROM Microprocessor/controller features INTERNAL OSCILLATOR,ISP Frequency clock 4 MHz Memory size 512 bit