C4258-02 유사

  • C4258
    • Infrared power supply; fast response of 50ps; active area 0.2mm x 0.2mm; picosecond photodetector
  • C4258-01
    • Infrared power supply; fast response of 50ps; active area 0.2mm x 0.2mm; picosecond photodetector
  • C4258-02
    • Infrared power supply; fast response of 50ps; active area 0.2mm x 0.2mm; picosecond photodetector
  • C4258-03
    • Infrared power supply; fast response of 50ps; active area 0.2mm x 0.2mm; picosecond photodetector

C4258-02 Datasheet 및 사양

제조사 : Hamamatsu 

포장 :  

팡 : 0 

온도 : 분 0 °C | 맥스 40 °C

파일크기 : 81 KB

응용 프로그램 : Infrared power supply; fast response of 50ps; active area 0.2mm x 0.2mm; picosecond photodetector 

다운로드를 C4258-02