경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > ADI Datasheet > ADI-53

JR-REEL ADV453TE/883B AD521SD AD642 AD706KN AD7247ATQ AD7672KN10 AD542 ADM698SQ ADP3307 AD711CH AD13465AZ EVAL-AD7709EB AD9432 DAC8420FQ AD688AQ AD669BN AD8109 AD679BJ AD594AD AD2S80A OP467GBC ADG733BRU ADADC85S-10 AD22100KR OP282 AD976BRS ADG441 ADR291ER-REEL7

ADI 데이터 시트 카탈로그-53

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
ADDAC87D-CBI-V ADIComplete low cost, linearity error +/- 1/2 LBS, binary input code
AD829JR-REEL ADI18V; high-speed, low-noise video Op Amp
ADV453TE/883B ADICMOS 40 MHz monolithic 256 x 24 color palette RAM-DAC
AD521SD ADIIntegrated circuit precision instrumentation amplifier
AD642 ADIPrecision, Low Cost Dual BiFET Op Amp
AD706KN ADI+-18V; 650mW; dual picoampere inout current bipolar Op Amp. For low frequency active filters, precision instrumentation and integrators
AD7247ATQ ADIDual 12-bit DACPORTs
AD7672KN10 ADI-0.3 to +7V; 1000mW; LC2MOS high-speed 12-bit ADC
AD542 ADIHigh Performance, BiFET Operational Amplifiers
ADM698SQ ADI0.3-6V; 500mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controllers
ADP3307 ADIHigh Accuracy anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear Regulator
AD711CH ADI+-22V; 500mW; precision, low cost, high speed, BiFET Op Amp
AD13465AZ ADI0-7V; dual channel, 14-bit, 65MSPS converter with analog input signal conditioning
EVAL-AD7709EB ADI0.3-7V; 16-bit ADC with switchable current sources
AD9432 ADI12-Bit, 105 MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter
DAC8420FQ ADI0.3-18.0V; 1000mW; quad 12-bit serial voltage output DAC
AD688AQ ADIHigh precision +-10V reference
AD669BN ADI0.3-17V; 1000mW; monolithic 16-bit DACPORT
AD8109 ADI250 MHz, 8x8 Buffered Video Crosspoint Switch (Gain=2)
AD679BJ ADI0.3-18.0V; 14-bit 128 kSPS complete sampling ADC
AD594AD ADIMonolithic thermocouple amplifier with cold junction compensation
AD2S80A ADIVariable Resolution, Monolithic Resolver-to-Digital Converter
OP467GBC ADI18V; quad precision, high-speed operational amplifier. For high-speed image display drivers, high frequency active filters
ADG733BRU ADI7V; CMOS, 2.5 OHm low voltage triple/quad SPDT switch. For data acquisition systems, communication systems, relay replacement
ADADC85S-10 ADIFast complete, 12-bit A/D converter
AD22100KR ADIOutputV1.375/3.625; voltage output temperature sensor with signal conditioning. For HVAC systems, system temperature compensation
OP282 ADIDual/Quad Low Power, High Speed JFET Operational Amplifiers
AD976BRS ADI25V; 700mW; 16-bit, 100kSPS/200kSPS BiCMOS A/D converter
ADG441 ADIQuad SPST (4NC) Switch (DG441 replacement)
ADR291ER-REEL7 ADI18V; low noise micropower precision voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, precision reference for 3 or 5V systems

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