경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > ADI Datasheet > ADI-190

L7 AD632BH ADM207EAN AD664AD-UNI AD8174 AD7247 AD9260EB AD724-EB AD2S80AUD AD7817 AD532SE/883B ADV7127JRU140 AD260AND-2 ADR292GRU-REEL7 AD8403ARU10-REEL AD7864AS-1 AD7845SE/883B AD9066 AD8001AN TMP01FJ AD872ASD AD7394AR AD815ARB-24-REEL ADM485 AD7871KN ADF4106BCP AD96687 ADM241LJ

ADI 데이터 시트 카탈로그-190

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
AD660BN ADI-0.3 to 17.0V; 1000mW; monolithic 16-bit serial/byte DACPORT
AD8056AR-REEL7 ADI13.2V; 0.6-1.3W; low cost, 300MHz voltage feedback amplifier. For imaging, photodiode preamp, video line driver, differential line driver, professional cameras, video switches, special effects, A-to-D driver, active filters
AD632BH ADI+-8 - +-18V; 4-6mW; internally trimmed precision IC multiplier. For high guality analog signal processing
ADM207EAN ADI0.3-6V; 800-1000mW; EMI-EMC-compliant, +-15kV ESD protected RS-232 line driver/receiver. For laptop computers, notebook computers, printers, peripherals and modems
AD664AD-UNI ADI0-7.0V; 1000mW; monolithic 12-bit quad DAC. For automatic test equipment, robotics, process control
AD8174 ADI2 Channel Buffered, 250mHz, 0.1dB=85mHz, 1000V/usec, DIFF Phase/Gain .05/.02, 10nesc Switch, Iq=7.5mA, +/-5V RAILS, Vout= +/-3.8V, Iout=50mA
AD7247 ADIDual 12-Bit DACPORT with Parallel Load
AD9260EB ADI0.3-7V; high-speed oversampling CMOS ADC with 16-bit resolution at a 2.5MHz output word rate
AD724-EB ADI6V; 800mW; 250MHz, RGB to NTSC/PAL encoder. For RGB to NTSC or PAL encoding
AD2S80AUD ADI14V; 860mW; variable resolution, monolithic resolver-to-digital converter. For DC brushless and AC motor control, process control, numeral control of machine tools, robotics, axis control, military servo control
AD7817 ADI4-Channel, 9 µs, 10-Bit ADC with On-Chip Temperature Sensor
AD532SE/883B ADI10-22V; internally trimmed integrated circuit multiplier for multipication, division, squaring, square rooting
ADV7127JRU140 ADI7V; CMOS, 140MHz 10-bit high speed video DAC
AD260AND-2 ADIHigh speed, logic isolator with power transformer, 2 inputs, 3 outputs, isolation test voltage=1.75 kV
ADR292GRU-REEL7 ADI18V; low noise micropower precision voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, precision reference for 3 or 5V systems
AD8403ARU10-REEL ADI0.3-8V; 1/2/4-channel digital potentiometers. For mechanical potentiometer replacement, programmable filters, delays, time constants, volume control, panning, line impendance matching, power supply adjustment
AD7864AS-1 ADI4-channel, simultaneous ampling, high speed, 12-Bit ADC
AD7845SE/883B ADI0.3-17V; 650mW; LC2MOS complete 12-bit multiplying DAC. For automatic test equipment, digital attenuators, programmable power supplies
AD9066 ADIDual, 6-Bit, 60 MSPS Monlithic A/D Converter
AD8001AN ADI12.6V; 800MHz, 50mW current feedback amplifier. For A-to-D driver, video line driver, professional cameras, video switchers , special effects, RF receivers
TMP01FJ ADI0.3-15V; 2-50mA; low power programmable temperature controller. For over/under temperature sensor and alarm, board level temperature sensing
AD872ASD ADIComplete 12-bit 10MSPS monolithic A/D converter
AD7394AR ADI0.3-7V; 50mA; dual, serial input 12/10-bit DAC. For automotive output span voltage, portable communications, digitally controlled calibration, PC peripherals
AD815ARB-24-REEL ADI18V; 20mA; high output current differential driver. For ADSL, HDLS and VDSL line interface driver, coil or transformer driver
ADM485 ADI+5 V Low Power EIA RS-485 Transceiver
AD7871KN ADI0.3-7V; 1000mW; LC2MOS complete 14-bit, sampling ADC. For digital signal processing, speech recognition and synthesis, stectrum analysis, high speed modems, DSP servo control
ADF4106BCP ADI0.3-3.6V; PLL frequency synthesizer
AD96687 ADIUltra Fast ECL Comparator
ADM241LJRS ADINominal+5V; CMOS RS-232 driver/receiver. For computers, peripherals, modems, printers, instruments
ADM8698AN ADI0.3-6V; 500mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controller

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