경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > ADI Datasheet > ADI-184

88KS-100 AD7549SE AD826 ADM208ARS ADN2809XCP-RL ADM709RAR AD7001AS AD9225AR ADSP-2185 AD7524KP 5962-9211701M2A ADG528FBN AD8039AR AD7863AR-10 DAC8228FS AD7864AS-2 AD7672KP03 AD8571 AD737KR-REEL7 AD7892AR-1 ADP3335ARM-1.8 ADG439FBR AD7376ARU1M AD581 AD668AQ AD842 REF195GBC AD9221S

ADI 데이터 시트 카탈로그-184

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
AD8522AR ADI0.3-7V; 1.1W; serial input, dual 12-bit DAC. For digitally controlled calibration, servo controls, process control equipment
AD8605 ADI6V; precision low noise CMOS rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifier. For barcode scanners, battery powered instrumnetation, multi-pole filters and sensors
AD9888KS-100 ADI3.6V; 100/140/170/205 MSPS analog flat panel interface. For RGB graphics processing, LCD monitors and projectors, plasma display panels, scan converters, microdisplays and digital TV
AD7549SE ADI-0.3 to +17V; 450mW; LC2MOS dual 12-bit uP-compatibleDAC. For automatic test equipment, programmable filters, audio systems
AD826 ADIHigh Speed, Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier
ADM208ARS ADI0.3-6V; nominal5V; 500-1000mW; CMOS RS-232 driver/receiver. For computers, peripherals, modems, printers, instruments
ADN2809XCP-RL ADI8V; multi-rate to 2.7Gbps clock and data recorevy IC with limiting amplifier
ADM709RAR ADI0.3-6V; 470-727mW; power supply monitor with reset. For microprocessor systems, computers and controllers
AD7001AS ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS GSM baseband I/O port. For digital cellular telephony, private mobole telephony, satellite baseband digitization
AD9225AR ADIcomplete 12-bit, 25MSPS monolithic A/D converter
ADSP-2185 ADI16-bit, 33 MIPS, 5 v, 2 serial ports, host port, 80 KB RAM
AD7524KP ADI0.3-17V; 450mW; CMOS 8-bit buffered multiplying DAC. For microprocessor controlled gain circuits, attenuator circuits, function generators
5962-9211701M2A ADI18V; 1.5W; high-speed, low-powered Op Amp
ADG528FBN ADI44V; 4/8-channel fault-protected analog multiplexer. For existing multiplexer applications and new designs requiring multiplexer functions
AD8039AR ADILow power 350 MHz voltage feedback amplifier
AD7863AR-10 ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; simultaneous sampling dual 175kSPS 14-bit ADC. For AC motor control, inuterrupted power supplies
DAC8228FS ADI0.3-17V; dual 8-bit CMOS D/A converter. For disk drive systems, automatic test equipment
AD7864AS-2 ADI4-channel, simultaneous ampling, high speed, 12-Bit ADC
AD7672KP03 ADI-0.3 to +7V; 1000mW; LC2MOS high-speed 12-bit ADC
AD8571 ADIWorld's First Auto-Zero Amplifier for Amplifying Dynamic Signals (Single)
AD737KR-REEL7 ADI+-16.5V; 200mW; low cost, low power, tue RMS-to-DC converter
AD7892AR-1 ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS single supply 12-bit high speed 600kSPS ADC
ADP3335ARM-1.8 ADI0.3-16V; 200mW; 500MHz, high accuracy ultralow 500mA anyCAP low dropout regulator. For PCMCIA card, cellular phones, camcorders and cameras
ADG439FBR ADI44V; 20-40mA; high performance 4/8-channel fault-protected analog multiplexer
AD7376ARU1M ADI0.3-30V; 20mA; operational digital potentiometer. For mechanical potentional replacement, instrumentation gain, offset adjustment
AD581 ADI40V; 600mW; high precision 10V IC reference
AD668AQ ADI0-18V; 670mW; 12-bit ultra high speed multiplying D/A converter
AD842 ADI18V; 1.3W; wideband fast settling Op Amp
REF195GBC ADI0.3-18V; precision micropower, low dropout, voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, A-to-D and D-to-A converters, smart sensors
AD9221SIOCEB ADIComplete 12-bit 1.5/3.0/10.0 MSPS monolithic converter

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