경로 :OKDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > ADI Datasheet > AD605ACHIPS
AD605ACHIPS 사양 : 6.5V; 1.2-1.4W; dual, low-noise, single-supply variable gain amplifier. For ultrasound and sonar time-gain control, high performance AGC systems
경로 :OKDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > ADI Datasheet > AD605ACHIPS
AD605ACHIPS 사양 : 6.5V; 1.2-1.4W; dual, low-noise, single-supply variable gain amplifier. For ultrasound and sonar time-gain control, high performance AGC systems
제조사 : ADI
포장 : Die
팡 : 0
온도 : 분 0 °C | 맥스 0 °C
파일크기 : 217 KB
응용 프로그램 : 6.5V; 1.2-1.4W; dual, low-noise, single-supply variable gain amplifier. For ultrasound and sonar time-gain control, high performance AGC systems