경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > SANYO Datasheet > SANYO-48

85N LC72147V LC66512B LC7385M LB1273R LB1981V FC21 STK401-020 FC144 STK397-010 LC863320 LA6358M ALP239CGX 2SD612 2SC3459 LC9946 LC66P5316 LA7054Z LC66354B LA5691D 2SC3042 LA4728 LB1443N STK392-110 2SA1831 LC33832S-70 LC7582E LA4465

SANYO 데이터 시트 카탈로그-48

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
2SC5568 SANYONPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors DC/DC Converter Applications
2SC3382 SANYONPN epitaxial planar silicon transistor
LA5685N SANYOMultifunction, multipower supply IC for car radio
LC72147V SANYOPLL Frequency Synthesizer for Electronic Tuning in Car Audio Systems
LC66512B SANYO4-bit microcomputer (12 Kbyte ROM-contained)
LC7385M SANYODTMF receiver
LB1273R SANYO6-unit, darlington transistor array
LB1981V SANYOThree-Phase Brushless Motor Driver
FC21 SANYOTR NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistor FET N-Channel Silicon Junction FET High-Frequency Amplifier, AM tuner RF Amplifier Applications
STK401-020 SANYOAF power amplifier (15W+15W)
FC144 SANYONPN epitaxial planar silicon composite transistor, switching application
STK397-010 SANYOElectromagnetic focus output 2-channel amplifier
LC863320 SANYO8-bit single chip microcontroller
LA6358M SANYOHigh-performance dual operational amplifier
ALP239CGX SANYOLow-Temperature Polysilicon 2.0-inch TFT LCD Module
2SD612 SANYONPN epitaxial planar silicon transistor, 25V/2A low frequency power amp application
2SC3459 SANYONPN transistor 800V/4,5A for switching regulator applications
LC9946 SANYO1/6 inch optical size EIA black-and-white solid-state imaging device
LC66P5316 SANYO4-bit single-chip microcontroller with 16 KB of on-chip OTP ROM
LA7054Z SANYOVideo, audio signal processor for band RF modulator use
LC66354B SANYO4-bit microcontroller (4 Kbyte ROM-contained)
LA5691D SANYOVoltage regulator driver with watchdog timer (with output on/off function)
2SC3042 SANYONPN triple diffused planar silicon transistor, for switching regulator
LA4728 SANYO2-channel BTL power amplifier (35W + 35W) with standby switch for car stereo
LB1443N SANYO5-dot red/green LED level meter
STK392-110 SANYO3-channel convergence correction circuit
2SA1831 SANYOPNP triple diffused planar silicon transistor, high-voltage amp, high-voltage switching
LC33832S-70 SANYO256K (32768word x 8bit) Pseudo-SRAM
LC7582E SANYOLCD driver
LA4465 SANYOBTL-OCL 12W AF power aplifier for car stereo use

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