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Ricoh 데이터 시트 카탈로그-138

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
RN5RZ36BA-TR RicohLow drop-out and low nouse voltage regulator. Output voltage (Vout) 3.6V. Active type H. Standard taping specification TR.
RH5VL41AA-T2 RicohVoltage detector. Detector threshold 4.1V. Output type Nch open drain. Taping type T2.
RN5RL28AA-TR RicohVoltage regulator. Output voltage 2.8V. Taping type TR
RN5VT30AA-TR RicohLow voltage detector. Detector threshold 3.0V. Output type Nch open drain. Standard taping type TR
RN5RT32AA-TL RicohLow dropout voltage regulator. Output voltage 3.2V. Taping type TL
R1221N43AG-TR RicohStep-down DC/DC converter with voltage detector. Output voltage (Vout) 4.3V. Detector threshold (-Vdet) 3.0V. Oscillator frequency 300kHz
RE5VL28CA-TZ RicohVoltage detector. Detector threshold 2.8V. Output type CMOS. Taping type TZ.
R1221N47XE-TR RicohStep-down DC/DC converter with voltage detector. Output voltage (Vout) 4.7V. Detector threshold (-Vdet). Stepwise setting with a step of 0.1V in the range of 1.2V to 4.5V. Oscillator frequency 300kHz
RN5VL27CC RicohVoltage detector. Detector threshold 2.7V. Output type CMOS. Antistatic bag.
RH5VT13CA-T2 RicohLow voltage detector. Detector threshold 1.3V. Output type CMOS. Taping type T2
RE5RL56AA-RR RicohVoltage regulator. Output voltage 5.6V. Taping type RR.
RH5RI521B-T1 RicohVFM step-up DC/DC converter. Output voltage 5.2V. Internal Lx Tr. driver (oscillator frequency 100kHz) Taping type T1
RH5RH663B-T1 RicohPWM step-up DC/DC converter. Output voltage 6.6V. Internal Tr./External Tr. (selectively available) (oscillator frequency 100kHz, with chip enable function). Taping type T1
R1120N421A-TR RicohLow noise 150mA LDO regulator. Output voltage 4.2V. "L" active type. Standard taping specification TR
RH5VT53AA-T1 RicohLow voltage detector. Detector threshold 5.3V. Output type Nch open drain. Standard taping type T1
RH5RI512B-T2 RicohVFM step-up DC/DC converter. Output voltage 5.1V. External Tr. driver (oscillator frequency 100kHz) Taping type T2
RQ5RW43BB RicohVoltage regulator IC. Output voltage 4.3V. H active type. Antistatic bag (for sample only)
RH5RE59AC RicohVoltage regulator with middle output current. Output voltage 5.9V. Antistatic bag
RH5RH583B-T1 RicohPWM step-up DC/DC converter. Output voltage 5.8V. Internal Tr./External Tr. (selectively available) (oscillator frequency 100kHz, with chip enable function). Taping type T1
RE5VL56AC RicohVoltage detector. Detector threshold 5.6V. Output type Nch open drain. Antistatic bag.
RN5VS25CC RicohLow voltage detector. Detector threshold 2.5V. Output type CMOS. Antistatic bag for samples
RN5VS09AA-TR RicohLow voltage detector. Detector threshold 0.9V. Output type Nch open drain. Standard taping type TR
R1230D201B-TR RicohPWM/FVM step-down DC/DC converter with synchrnous rectifier. Output voltage 2.0V. Optional function 800kHz, fixed output voltage. Standard taping type TR
RQ5RW58BA-TR RicohVoltage regulator IC. Output voltage 5.8V. H active type. Taping type TR
R1210N341D-TR RicohPWM step-up DC/DC converter. Output voltage 3.4V. Oscillator frequency 180kHz without a frequency change-over cicuit. Standard taping specification TR
R1170H171B-T1 Ricoh800mA LDO regulator. Output voltage 1.7V. Built-in chip enable circuit, active at H. Taping type T1.
RN5VS53CA-TL RicohLow voltage detector. Detector threshold 5.3V. Output type CMOS. Taping type TL
R1122N231A-TR RicohLow noise 150mA LDO regulator IC. Output voltage 2.3V. Active L type. Standard taping type TR.
R5323N251B-TR Ricoh150mA 2ch-LDO regulator. Output voltage 2.5V. Mask option B version; with auto discharge function at OFF state. Standardt taping specification TR.
R1221N21XH-TR RicohStep-down DC/DC converter with voltage detector. Output voltage (Vout) 2.1V. Detector threshold (-Vdet). Stepwise setting with a step of 0.1V in the range of 1.2V to 4.5V. Oscillator frequency 500kHz

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