경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > Linear Datasheet > Linear-34

3A LT1139ACSW LT1001AMH/883 LT1188 LT1183CS LTC1096CN8 LTC1515 LTC1290DMJ LT1376 1000A LT1013IN8 LTC1327 LT685CH LT6552IS8 LTC1539 LT1014DS LT1084CK-12 LT1083-FIXED LTC1594 LT1245 LTC1291BCN8 LTC1090CSW LTC1096CS8 LT1078CN8 LTC1756 LT1086CK-5 LT1097 LT1077ACJ8

Linear 데이터 시트 카탈로그-34

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
LT1308 LinearSingle Cell High Current Micropower 600kHz Boost DC/DC Converter
LTC1344A LinearSoftware-Selectable Cable Terminator
LT323A Linear5 Volt, 3 Amp Voltage Regulator
LT1139ACSW LinearAdvanced low power 5V RS232 4-drivers 4-receivers with shutdown with 12V and 5V supplies
LT1001AMH/883 LinearPrecision operational amplifier
LT1188 Linear1.5A High Side Switch
LT1183CS LinearCCFL/LCD contrast switching regulators
LTC1096CN8 LinearMicropower sampling 8-bit serial I/O A/D converters, 16ms conversion time, 5V operation
LTC1515 LinearStep-Up/Step-Down Switched Capacitor DC/DC Converters with RESET
LTC1290DMJ LinearSingle chip 12-bit data acquisition system
LT1376 Linear1.5A, 500kHz Step-Down Switching Regulators
1000A LinearUltra Precision Reference
LT1013IN8 LinearDual precision operational amplifier
LTC1327 Linear3.3V Micropower EIA/TIA-562 Transceiver
LT685CH LinearHigh speed comparator
LT6552IS8 Linear3.3V single supply video difference amplifier
LTC1539 LinearDual High Efficiency, Low Noise, Synchronous Step-Down Switching Regulators
LT1014DS LinearQuad precision operational amplifier
LT1084CK-12 Linear5A low dropout positive fixed 12V regulator
LT1083-FIXED Linear7.5, 5A, 3A Low Dropout Positive Fixed Regulators
LTC1594 Linear4- and 8-Channel, Micropower Sampling 12-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converter
LT1245 LinearHigh Speed Current Mode Pulse Width Modulators
LTC1291BCN8 LinearSingle chip 12-Bit data acquisition system
LTC1090CSW LinearSingle chip 10-bit data acquisition system
LTC1096CS8 LinearMicropower sampling 8-bit serial I/O A/D converters, 16ms conversion time, 5V operation
LT1078CN8 LinearMicropower, dual, single supply, precision Op. Amp.
LTC1756 LinearSmart Card Interface
LT1086CK-5 Linear1.5A low dropout positive regulators fixed 5V
LT1097 LinearLow Cost, Low Power Precision Op Amp
LT1077ACJ8 LinearMicropower, single supply, precision Op. Amp.

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