경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > KEC Datasheet > KEC-64

KIA7924P KDV251AS KRA117S KRC843T KRA769E KTB989 KRC104M KRC112S E35A2CS KIA78S09P KDR393S KIA7432F KHB1906A01 KHB1890B01 KDV149B KTB2234 KTN2907S KRC653E KIA6278S KDR784 KHB2475B01 Z02W6.8V KTC2026 BFS20 KIA7436P KIA7423F KF462BV KRX104U

KEC 데이터 시트 카탈로그-64

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
KID65507F KECSingle Driver (Isolated)
KIA2022AFN KEC1.5V AM/FM IF+MPX system IC for digital tuning system
KIA7924P KEC-24V, 1A three-terminal negative voltage regulator
KDV251AS KECVariable capacitance diode (VCO) for C/P, CB PLL
KRA117S KECPNP transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in bias resistors (2.2 and 2.2 kOm)
KRC843T KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
KRA769E KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
KTB989 KECPNP transistor for general purpose applications
KRC104M KECNPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in bias resistors (47 and 47 kOm)
KRC112S KECNPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in 100 kOm bias resistor
E35A2CS KECAlternator Diode (Positive)
KIA78S09P KEC9V, 150mA (max) three terminal positive voltage regulator
KDR393S KECSchottky Barrier Diode
KIA7432F KECActive High Voltage Detector
KDV149B KECSilicon diode for AM radio band tuning applications
KTB2234 KECDarlington Transistor
KTN2907S KECPNP transistor for general purpose and switching applications
KRC653E KECBuilt in Bias Resistor
KIA6278S KEC1W single audio power amplifier
KDR784 KECSchottky Barrier Diode
Z02W6.8V KEC6.8V zener diode for constant voltage regulation applications and reference voltage applications
KTC2026 KECGeneral Purpose Transistor
BFS20 KECNPN transistor for high frequency applications, VHF band amplifier applications
KIA7436P KECActive High Voltage Detector
KIA7423F KECActive High Voltage Detector
KF462BV KEC400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm)
KRX104U KECBuilt in Bias Resistor

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