경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > KEC Datasheet > KEC-22
BP KIA324F KIA79M08PI KRC842U KIA78D33F KTC4373 F1B2CAI KDZ22V BC327 KRC113S BC849B KIA79M12F KF930A MPSA64 KRC682T KIA78R10API KF470B KRA312 KIA4558P KF402B KRA556U KRA105S KTC2020L BF421 KF462BS KDZ3.3EV SMAB34 KIA6801K SMAU1D
부품번호 | 제조사 | 응용 프로그램 |
KIA78L05BPV | KEC | 5V, 150mA (max) three terminal positive voltage regulator |
KIA79L24BP | KEC | 24V, 150mA three-terminal negative voltage regulator |
KIA324F | KEC | Quad operational amplifier |
KIA79M08PI | KEC | 0.5A 3-Terminal Voltage Regulator |
KRC842U | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KIA78D33F | KEC | 1A Low Drop Voltage Regulator |
KTC4373 | KEC | NPN transistor for high switching applications |
F1B2CAI | KEC | Silicon diode stack (common anode) for high speed rectifier applications |
KDZ22V | KEC | 22V zener diode for constant voltage regulation applications and reference voltage applications |
BC327 | KEC | PNP transistor for general purpose and switching applications |
KRC113S | KEC | NPN transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in 22 kOm bias resistor |
BC849B | KEC | NPN transistor for general purpose and switching applications |
KIA79M12F | KEC | 0.5A 3-Terminal Voltage Regulator |
KF930A | KEC | 900MHz Band Paging System |
MPSA64 | KEC | Darlington Transistor |
KRC682T | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KIA78R10API | KEC | 1A 4-Terminal Low Drop(ON/OFF Controllable) |
KF470B | KEC | 400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm) |
KRA312 | KEC | PNP transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in 100 kOm bias resistor |
KIA4558P | KEC | Dual low noise operational amplifier |
KF402B | KEC | 400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm) |
KRA556U | KEC | Built in Bias Resistor |
KRA105S | KEC | PNP transistor for switching applications, interface circuit and driver circuit applications. With buit-in bias resistors (2.2 kOm and 47 kOm) |
KTC2020L | KEC | General Purpose Transistor |
BF421 | KEC | PNP transistor for high voltage switching and amplifier applications, color TV chroma output applications |
KF462BS | KEC | 400MHz-500MHz Band(150ohm) |
KDZ3.3EV | KEC | Zener Diode |
SMAB34 | KEC | Schottky Barrier Diode |
KIA6801K | KEC | Bi-directional DC motor driver |
SMAU1D | KEC | Ultra Fast Recovery Diode |