경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > HP Datasheet > HP-28
BLK HDSP-4201 HSSR-8060#500 HFBR-5112FDA HBCS-A208 HCPL-261A#060 PDA2446-B-SF HFBR-5103T AT-32011-TR1 LST3821-SC HFBR-2402HB HCPL-5431 5962-8876901PA MSA-3186 HBCS-A507 PDT1442-BI-SF HSMG-H670 HFBR-1424HB ATF-21186-TR1 HCPL-2300#500 HFBR-5301 LST2527-T-SF HLMP-6300 LST2927-S4-B-S
부품번호 | 제조사 | 응용 프로그램 |
HLMP-4000 | HP | T1 3/4, 2mm x 5mm rectangular bicolor LED lamp high efficiency red, high performance green |
INA-12063-BLK | HP | 1.5GHz low noise self-biased transistor amplifier |
HDSP-4201 | HP | 20mm (0.8inch) seven segment display |
HSSR-8060#500 | HP | 60V, 0.7Ohm, general purpose, 1 form A, solid state relay |
HFBR-5112FDA | HP | Low cost, industry standart FDDI MIC transceiver |
HBCS-A208 | HP | Low current digital bar code wand |
HCPL-261A#060 | HP | HCMOS compatible, high CMR, 10MBd optocoupler |
PDA2446-B-SF | HP | Analog pigtailed PIN photodiode |
HFBR-5103T | HP | FDDI, 100Mbpc ATM, and fast ethernet transceiver in low cost 1x9 package style |
AT-32011-TR1 | HP | Low current, high performance NPN silicon bipolar transistor |
LST3821-SC | HP | Coaxial pigtailed laser module |
HFBR-2402HB | HP | Low cost, miniature fiber optic component with ST, SMA, SC and FC ports |
HCPL-5431 | HP | Hermetically sealed, very high speed, logic gate optocoupler |
5962-8876901PA | HP | Hermetically sealed, low I, wide V, logic gate optocoupler |
MSA-3186 | HP | Cascadable silicon bipolar MMIC amplifier |
HBCS-A507 | HP | Low current digital bar code wand |
PDT1442-BI-SF | HP | Pigtailed PIN photodiode |
HSMG-H670 | HP | Surface mount flip chip LED |
HFBR-1424HB | HP | Low cost, miniature fiber optic component with ST, SMA, SC and FC ports |
ATF-21186-TR1 | HP | 0.5-6GHz general purpose gallium arsenide FET |
HCPL-2300#500 | HP | 8MBd low intput current optocoupler |
HFBR-5301 | HP | Fibre channel 133MBd transceiver in low cost 1x9 package style |
LST2527-T-SF | HP | Coaxial pigtailed laser module |
HLMP-6300 | HP | Subminiature LED lamp |
LST2927-S4-B-SC | HP | Coaxial pigtailed laser module |
5962-8876903FC | HP | Hermetically sealed, low I, wide V, logic gate optocoupler |
AT-41511-BLK | HP | General purpose, low noise NPN silicon bipolar transistor |
XMT5170A-622-AP | HP | 622Mb/s logic interface DFB laser transmitter |
HDSP-8600 | HP | 20mm (0.8inch) seven segment display |
HLMP-1600 | HP | T-1 3/4(5mm), T-1(3mm), 5volt, 12volt, integrated resistor LED lamp |