경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > CML Datasheet > CML-4

LS CMX589AD2 CMX639E2 FX651 FX469PG FX204J FX839D2 CMX867P4 FX202QAK FX663D4 FX003QA FX203LS CMX673D4 FX009AJ FX809LG FX105AD4 FX105P FX805LG FX309 FX816J FX806AJ FX621LS FX633P1 FX002J FX829D2 FX816DW FX836J FX335

CML 데이터 시트 카탈로그-4

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
FX506P CMLMobile radio audio processor
FX633D4 CMLCall progress tone detector
FX375LS CMLPrivate sguelch circuit
CMX639E2 CMLCVSD digital voice codec
FX651 CMLSRM and security subsystem
FX469PG CML1200/2400/4800 baud FFSK modem
FX204J CMLVSB freguency inverter
FX839D2 CMLAnalogue control interface
CMX867P4 CMLLow power V.22 modem
FX202QAK CMLQTC selective call tone decoder
FX663D4 CMLCall progress detector
FX003QA CMLQTC selective call tone decoder
FX203LS CMLSelcall tone codec with microprocessor interface
CMX673D4 CMLCall progress tone detector
FX009AJ CMLLow-noise digitally controlled amplifier array
FX105AD4 CMLTone detector
FX105P CMLTone Detector
FX805LG CMLSub-audio signalling processor
FX309 CMLContinuously variable slope delta modulation
FX816J CMLNMT system audio processor
FX806AJ CMLAudio processor
FX621LS CMLLow-power subscriber private metering (SRM) detector
FX633P1 CMLCall progress tone detector
FX002J CMLSignal to noise enhancer
FX829D2 CMLBaseband signal processor
FX816DW CMLNMT system audio processor
FX836J CMLRadiocom 2000 system audio processor
FX335 CMLCTCSS encoder/decoder

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