경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > AZ Displays Datasheet > AZ Displays-67


AZ Displays 데이터 시트 카탈로그-67

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
ACM4002F-FLFS-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 40characters x 2lines; dot size0.60x0.65mm; dot pitch0.65x0.70mm; AZ display
ACM2002C-NLGW-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 20characters x 2lines; dot size0.60x0.65mm; dot pitch0.65x0.70mm; AZ display
AGM1532A-RLFBW-T AZ Displays0.3-6.5V; 5.0mA; dot size0.50 x 0.55mm; dot pitch0.55 x 0.60mm; AZ display
ACM2004G-FLYS-T AZ Displays2.7-5.5V; 20characters x 4lines; dot size0.55x0.55mm; dot pitch0.60x0.60mm; liquid crystal display
AGM1264D-NLYBD-T AZ Displays0.3-7.0V; 1.0mA; number of dots 128 x 64dots; dot size0.39 x 0.55mm; dot pitch0.44 x 0.60mm; AZ display
AGM2412C-FEYBW-T AZ Displays0.3-5.5V; number of dots 240 x 128dots; dot size0.42 x 0.42mm; dot pitch0.45 x 0.45mm; AZ display
ACM4004C-NLYTW-T AZ Displays0.3-7.0V; 5x8dots; 40characters x 4lines; dot size0.50x0.55mm; dot pitch0.57x0.62mm; AZ display
AGM1264F-FLBD-T AZ Displays0.3-7.0V; 15.0mA; number of dots 128 x 64dots; 15.0mA; dot size0.48 x 0.48mm; dot pitch0.52 x 0.52mm; liquid crystal display
AGM1532A-REFTH-T AZ Displays0.3-6.5V; 5.0mA; dot size0.50 x 0.55mm; dot pitch0.55 x 0.60mm; AZ display
ACM0802B-TLYS-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 8characters x 2lines; dot size0.56x0.66mm; AZ display
ACM1602W-FLYS-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 16characters x 2lines; dot size0.50x0.55mm; AZ display
ACM1602W-FEFW-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 16characters x 2lines; dot size0.50x0.55mm; AZ display
ACM1602V-RLFD-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 16characters x 2lines; dot size0.92x1.10mm; AZ display
ACM1601D-NLGD-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 16characters x 1lines; dot size0.92x1.10mm; AZ display
ACM1604B-FLBS-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 16characters x 4lines; dot size0.55x0.55mm; dot pitch0.60x0.60mm; AZ display
ACM1601H-RLYH-T AZ Displays2.7-5.5V; 16characters x 2lines; dot size0.92x1.10mm; liquid crystal display
AGM2464C-ML-YTH-T AZ Displays0.3-7.0V; number of dots 240 x 64dots; dot size0.49 x 0.49mm; dot pitch0.53 x 0.53mm; AZ display
ACM1602M-RLGH-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 16characters x 2lines; dot size0.50x0.55mm; AZ display
ACM1602Z-FGBW-T AZ Displays0.3-5.5V; 16characters x 2lines; dot size0.55x0.60mm; dot pitch0.60x0.65mm; AZ display
AGM1264D-MEGBH-T AZ Displays0.3-7.0V; 1.0mA; number of dots 128 x 64dots; dot size0.39 x 0.55mm; dot pitch0.44 x 0.60mm; AZ display
ACM1601C-RLBD-T AZ Displays2.7-5.5V; 16characters x 1lines; dot size0.55x0.75mm; liquid crystal display
ACM4002F-REGD-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 40characters x 2lines; dot size0.60x0.65mm; dot pitch0.65x0.70mm; AZ display
ACM1602L-FEFS-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 16characters x 2lines; dot size0.56x0.61mm; AZ display
ACM4002F-FEYS-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 40characters x 2lines; dot size0.60x0.65mm; dot pitch0.65x0.70mm; AZ display
ACM1601H-RLGD-T AZ Displays2.7-5.5V; 16characters x 1lines; dot size0.92x1.10mm; liquid crystal display
AGM1232C-FLFTD-T AZ Displays0.3-6.5V; 2.8mA; 20characters; Dots 122x32dots; dot size0.40x0.45mm; dot pitch0.44x0.49mm; AZ display
AGM3224G-NC-GTS-T AZ Displays0.0-6.0V; number of dots 320 x 240dots; dot size0.33 x 0.33mm; dot pitch0.36 x 0.36mm; AZ display
AGM1264B-REYTS-T AZ Displays0.3-7.0V; 1.8mA; number of dots 128 x 64dots; dot size0.48 x 0.48mm; dot pitch0.52 x 0.52mm; AZ display
AGM2464D-ME-BBH-T AZ Displays0.3-7.0V; number of dots 240 x 64dots; dot size0.49 x 0.49mm; dot pitch0.53 x 0.53mm; AZ display
ACM4004D-NLBH-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 40characters x 4lines; dot size0.50x0.55mm; dot pitch0.57x0.62mm; AZ display

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