경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > ADI Datasheet > ADI-42

AD7825BR AD711SQ/883B ADV7122KST50 AD7837BN AD712AQ OP260ARC/883 REF196GP ADG451BR AD7543GKR ADM695 AD1861N AD558JD AD7895AR-2 ADM5180 AD7304YR AD1866R AD1864N-K AD797BR ADM208AR AD7810YR AD7721SQ AD7711AR ADM697AN AD976ACN AD1858JRSRL REF03GP AD7880 AD9777BSV

ADI 데이터 시트 카탈로그-42

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
AD260AND-4 ADI0.3-7V; high speed, logic isolator with power transformer
DAC8248EW ADI0-17V; dual 12-bit double-buffered CMOS D/A converter. For multichannel microprocessor-controlled systems
AD7825BR ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; 2MSPS, 8-bit 1/4/8-channel sampling ADC. For data acquisition systems, DSP front ends, disk driver
AD711SQ/883B ADI+-22V; 500mW; precision, low cost, high speed, BiFET Op Amp
ADV7122KST50 ADI+7V; CMOS 50MHz, triple 10-bit video DAC. For high resolution color graphics, CAE/CAD/CAM applications, image processing, instrumentation, video signal reconstruction
AD7837BN ADI0.3-17V; 1000mW; LC2MOS complete, dual 12-bit MDAC. For automatic test equipment, function generation, waveform reconstruction
AD712AQ ADIDual-precision, low-cost, high-speed, BiFET op amp
OP260ARC/883 ADI18V; 7mA; dual, high-speed, current feedback operational amplifier
REF196GP ADI0.3-18V; precision micropower, low dropout, voltage reference. For portable instrumentation, A-to-D and D-to-A converters, smart sensors
ADG451BR ADI44V; 470-600mW; 200mA LCMOS 5OHm SPST switch. For relay replacement, audio and video switching, automatic test equipment
AD7543GKR ADI0 to +7V; 670mW; CMOS serial input 12-bit DAC
ADM695 ADIMicroprocessor Supervisory Circuits
AD1861N ADI0-6.50V; 18-bit, 16 x Fs PCM audio DAC.For high-end compact disc players, digital audio amplifiers, DAT recorders and players
AD558JD ADIInputV0-18V; ouptutV0-2.56V; 450mW; DACPORT low cost, complete uP-compatible 8-bit DAC
AD7895AR-2 ADI5V; 450mW; 12-bit, serial 3.8uS ADC
ADM5180 ADIOctal, RS-232/RS-423 Line Receiver
AD7304YR ADI0.3-8V; 50mA; rail-to-rail quad, 8-bit DAC
AD1866R ADI0-6V; single supply dual 16-bit audio DAC. For multichannel audio applications, compact disc players
AD1864N-K ADI0-13.2V; complete dual 18-bit audio DAC. For multichannel audio applications
AD797BR ADI18V; ultralow distortion, ultralow noise Op Amp. For professional audio preamplifiers, IR,CCD and sonar imaging systems, spectrum analyzres
ADM208AR ADI0.3-6V; nominal5V; 500-1000mW; CMOS RS-232 driver/receiver. For computers, peripherals, modems, printers, instruments
AD7810YR ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; 10-bit ADC in 8-lead microchip. For low power, hand-held portable applications
AD7721SQ ADI0.3-7V; 10mA; CMOS 16-bit, 468.75KHz, sigma-delta ADC
AD7711AR ADI-0.3 to +12V; 450mW; LC2MOS signal conditioning ADC with RTD excitation currents. For process control, RTD transducers, smart transmitters, prtable industrial instruments
ADM697AN ADI0.3-6V; 600mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controllers
AD976ACN ADI16-bit, 200 kSPS BiCMOS A/D converters
AD1858JRSRL ADIStereo, single-supply 16/18/20-bit sigma-delta DAC. For digital cable TV and direct broadcast satellite set-top decoder boxers
REF03GP ADI40V; precision voltage reference
AD7880 ADICMOS, Single +5 V Supply, Low Power, 12-Bit Sampling ADC
AD9777BSV ADI0.3-25V; 16-bit, 160MSPS 2x/4x/8x interpolating dual TxDAC+ D/A converter

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