경로 :okDatasheet > 반도체업체순위 > ADI Datasheet > ADI-160

EB ADM8696ARW AD589KH AD9201-EVAL AD706JR AD844BQ ADM696AN ADF4110 ADP1148AR-5 AD813AN ADM1021AARQ AD7892AN-2 AD8534AN AD1879JD AD7870CQ AD8051AR AD7820UE AD977ACN OP27GS SSM2165-1P AD7672BQ10 AD743JR-16 DAC16GS AD630SD/883B AD260 EVAL-AD7482CB AD976CRS AD590LF AD9888KS-170

ADI 데이터 시트 카탈로그-160

부품번호제조사응용 프로그램
AD536AJH ADI18V; 500mW; integrated circuit true RMS-to-DC converter
EVAL-AD1833EB ADI0.3-6.5V; multichannel, 24-bit, 192kHz DAC. For DVD video and audio players, home theatre systems, automotive audio systems, set-top boxes and digital audio effects processors
ADM8696ARW ADI0.3-6V; 500-600mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controlles, intelligent instruments, automotive systems
AD589KH ADIOutputV1.235V; 125mW; 10mA; 2-terminal IC 1.2V reference
AD9201-EVAL ADIComplete 10-bit, dual channel, 20MHz 10-bit resolution CMOS ADC
AD706JR ADI+-18V; 650mW; dual picoampere inout current bipolar Op Amp. For low frequency active filters, precision instrumentation and integrators
AD844BQ ADI18V; 1.5W; 60MHz, 1.1W; 2000V/mS monolithic Op Amp. For flash ADC input amplifiers, high-speed current DAC interfaces
ADM696AN ADI0.3-6V; 600mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controllers
ADF4110 ADISingle, Integer-N, 550 MHz PLL With Programmable Prescaler And Charge Pump
ADP1148AR-5 ADIInputV 0.3-20V; 50mA; high efficiency synchronous step-down switching regulator. For notebook and palmtop computers, portable instrumnets, battery operated digital devices
AD813AN ADI18V; 1.6W; single supply, low power triple video amplifier. For video line driver, LCD drivers, computer video plug-in boards, ultrasound, RGB amplifier, CCD based systems
ADM1021AARQ ADI0.3-6V; 650mW; low-cost microprocessor system temperature monitor. For desktop computers, notebook computers, smart batteries, industrial controllers, telecomms equipment and instrumentation
AD7892AN-2 ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS single supply 12-bit high speed 600kSPS ADC
AD8534AN ADI7V; low, 250mA output single-supply amplifier. For multimedia audio, LCD driver
AD1879JD ADI0-13.2V; high performance 16/18-bit stereo ADC. For digital tape recorders, professional, DCC and DAT, A/V digital amplifiers, CD-R, sound reinforcement
AD7870CQ ADI0.3-7V; 450mW; LC2MOS complete, 12-bit, 100kHz, sampling ADC
AD8051AR ADI12.6V; low cost, high speed, rail-to-rail amplifier. For coax cable driver, active filter, video switches, video switches, A/D driver
AD7820UE ADI0 to +7V; 450mW; LC2MOS high speed uP-compatible 8-bit ADC with track/hold function
AD977ACN ADI25V; 700mW; 16-bit, 100kSPS/200kSPS BiCMOS A/D converter
OP27GS ADI22V; 25mA; low-noise, precision operational amplifier
SSM2165-1P ADI10V; 700mW; microphone preamplifier with variable compression and noise gating. For microphone preamplifier/processor, computer sound cards, public address/paging systems
AD7672BQ10 ADI-0.3 to +7V; 1000mW; LC2MOS high-speed 12-bit ADC
AD743JR-16 ADI140dB)
DAC16GS ADI-0.3 to +25.0V; ouput current 8mA; 1000mW; 16-bit, high speed current-output DAC. For communications, ATE, data acquisition systems, high resolution displays
AD630SD/883B ADI+-18V; 600mW; balanced modulator/demodulator
AD260 ADI40 MBd five channel digital isolator + isolated power for Fieldbus, Microcontroller/peripheral interface and data transmission
EVAL-AD7482CB ADI0.3-7V; 12-bit, 3MSPS SAR ADC
AD976CRS ADI16-bit, 100 kSPS BiCMOS A/D converters
AD590LF ADITwo-terminal IC temperature transducer
AD9888KS-170 ADI3.6V; 100/140/170/205 MSPS analog flat panel interface. For RGB graphics processing, LCD monitors and projectors, plasma display panels, scan converters, microdisplays and digital TV

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